The real estate market gets more and more competitive every year. Many potential buyers are simply searching the web for that perfect property. So, of course, you list your properties on every site they could possibly go to. But what makes your listing stand out from the others? Most listings will appear the same—a curbside photo of the home. That’s okay, but why would anyone click on that particular listing instead of all the others? One way you can make sure potential buyers notice what you have to offer is through aerial photography in Montana. This is a surefire way... View Article
Are you about to graduate from flight school in Montana? If so, congratulations! All your hard work is about to pay off. This is a unique accomplishment that few people obtain. You will soon have the license and certification to take to the skies, which is truly a privilege. You can soon take off for wherever you want in the world at your own discretion. There are some things you may want to consider as you take this new step. What are your plans for how to use your license? Are you looking into purchasing your own aircraft, or are... View Article
So, you’re thinking about taking the next step and enrolling in flight school. Maybe you want to take private flights or one day become an instructor yourself. Maybe the simple idea of having a panoramic view from thousand of feet in the air appeals to you. Whatever the reason, you will want to take into consideration several things before signing up for flight school in Montana. For example, you may want to take a demo flight to kick things off. Finding out more about your potential instructor is a smart idea, too. Ultimately, you want to do whatever you can... View Article
Most photographers want to capture unique photographs that offer images with impact. What better way to do that than from a helicopter? By enlisting the assistance of a helicopter charter in Montana, photographers can produce amazing aerial photography for personal or commercial use. Following are just a few of the advantages offered by this sky-high experience. No Obstructions Of course, one of the main advantages of aerial photography is the “top-of-the-world” view. Soaring far above any buildings, trees and towers, the photographer enjoys an unobstructed view of the city or landscape. Images can be captured that are simply not possible... View Article
Purchasing property is a significant investment. You don’t want to encounter any surprises after you’ve closed the deal. That’s why it’s important to properly survey the land before purchasing it. A real estate survey flight in Montana offers the ideal solution. This survey offers the potential landowner several benefits that make the survey a wise investment. Identifies Property Lines The deed to the land lists what areas and structures are to be included with the property purchase. However, what if some of these buildings aren’t actually within the boundaries of the property? A land survey reveals exactly where the property... View Article